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Foundation Agricultural Lands
Candidate Reserve Study Area
North of Highway 26

August 20, 2009
Submitted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SaveHelvetia.org

A local citizens' group whose goal is to preserve all land north of Highway 26 as Rural Reserves

Justification for designation as RURAL RESERVES under OAR 660-027-0060(4)

Notwithstanding requirements for applying factors in OAR 660-027-0040(9) and section (2) of this rule, a county may deem that Foundation Agricultural Lands or Important Agricultural Lands within three miles of a UGB qualify for designation as rural reserves under section (2) without further explanation under OAR 660-027-0040(10)


ALL of the lands north of Highway 26 designated as urban reserves by Washington County are Foundation Agricultural Lands.

See map: “Identification and Assessment of the Long-Term Commercial Viability of Metro Region Agricultural Lands.” January 2007. Oregon Department of Agriculture.

(Click image for larger version)


ALL of these Foundation Lands are within three miles of an Urban Growth Boundary.

See map: The lands designated as urban reserves fall within 3 miles of an Urban Growth Boundary.

(Click image for larger version)


We respectfully request that Washington County designate all of the lands north of Highway 26 as Rural Reserves under Section (2) without further explanation under OAR 660-027-0040(10).

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